Sep 25, 2022
Sermon: Heightening Our Diet
By: Pastor Ben Hulst
Series: The Book of Hebrews
Hebrews 5.11-6.3: How is our spiritual diet? Are we still satisfied with "milk" or do we seek greater nourishment to the needs of our soul. This text rebukes us in our lethargy to the things of God. Let us humbly acknowledge our weakness and our spiritual fatigue and seek him. May his Spirit inspire, guide, and awaken us.
- Sep 25, 2022Sermon: Heightening Our Diet
Sep 25, 2022Sermon: Heightening Our DietBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: The Book of HebrewsHebrews 5.11-6.3: How is our spiritual diet? Are we still satisfied with "milk" or do we seek greater nourishment to the needs of our soul. This text rebukes us in our lethargy to the things of God. Let us humbly acknowledge our weakness and our spiritual fatigue and seek him. May his Spirit inspire, guide, and awaken us.
- Sep 18, 2022Sermon: The Lowly High Priest
Sep 18, 2022Sermon: The Lowly High PriestBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: The Book of HebrewsHebrews 4.14-5.10: We long for a representative to bring our needs to the center of power, justice, and righteousness. Who will speak for us and who will bring back a word of mercy, guidance, and grace? We long for a faithful priest - an intermediary. We must look to Jesus.
- Sep 11, 2022Sermon: The Generative & Penetrative Word
Sep 11, 2022Sermon: The Generative & Penetrative WordBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: The Book of HebrewsHebrews 4.12-16: If the word is sharper than any double-edged sword, it holds both a threat and hope. If we allow Christ and the Spirit to do their generative work on us, the word is a surgical instrument, opening our souls unhealth to healing, our incompleteness to wholeness. This is an initial threat, but we are called to trust the great surgeon, who alone knows how to heal and operate on the human soul.
- Sep 4, 2022Sermon: The Rest We Long For
Sep 4, 2022Sermon: The Rest We Long ForBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: The Book of HebrewsHebrews 4.1-11: How do we find rest? Not merely for the night, but true rest where the incompleteness of our labors doesn't haunt us. How do we get to the end and have the ability to be at peace with what our life has been? Can it come through our own works, our own accomplishments? No. Only through the completeness of Jesus and his work. Through his work of faithful obedience, we are gifted eternal rest. And by grace, our insufficient work is completed, reconciled, and transformed to eternal beauty. But it is all about him, not us. To his glory and not to our own.
- Aug 28, 2022Sermon: Soft Hearts of Belief
Aug 28, 2022Sermon: Soft Hearts of BeliefBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: The Book of HebrewsHebrews 3.7-19: God speaks so that we might hear and thrive. The temptation is to not listen, to allow our hearts to be hardened. Our hearts become hard when we see the rewards of this life as more desirable than the rewards of eternity. It takes disciplined attention to God's grace, to his kingdom, to keep us on the path of faith. We must encourage each other in this so that none will give up on the path.
- Aug 21, 2022Sermon: Jesus > Moses
Aug 21, 2022Sermon: Jesus > MosesBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: The Book of HebrewsHebrews 3.1-6: To better recognize the glory of Jesus, we need to recognize the glory of Moses. Within the biblical narrative, none is higher than Moses, except Jesus that is. The writer wants us to recognize more fully the heights of Jesus and being included in the house he is building. It is the house that Jesus built where all the glory, power, and victory is located.
- Aug 14, 2022Sermon: A True Brother
Aug 14, 2022Sermon: A True BrotherBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: The Book of HebrewsHebrews 2.10-18: The writer of Hebrews guides us to see Jesus in the role of true brother, who fulfills the role of securing the Father's family by sacrificing himself. He becomes like us so we can be a part of a redeemed family. It is a great comfort to know Jesus as our brother.
- Aug 7, 2022Sermon: Shared in Our Humanity
Aug 7, 2022Sermon: Shared in Our HumanityBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: The Book of HebrewsHebrews 2.5-18: The path to life, to restoration, to glory is through Jesus. This calls us to deny ourselves and follow him and to embrace a path of denial in this life. Jesus came to know our lot and to be the perfect Savior for us. Through him, we are freed from death and gain the hope of everlasting life and glory.
- Jul 31, 2022Sermon: A Gentile Comes to Faith
Jul 31, 2022Sermon: A Gentile Comes to FaithActs 16.25-40: Guest preacher Rev. Jim Basinger leads us in understanding God's broad mission of grace to all sinners.
- Jul 24, 2022Sermon: It’s All About Jesus
Jul 24, 2022Sermon: It’s All About JesusActs 2.14-47: Guest preacher Rev. Jim Basinger leads us through the centrality of Jesus for our faith.