Aug 15, 2021
Sermon: Now Is the Time
By: Pastor Ben Hulst
II Corinthians 5.11-6.2: Paul's hope and life calling is to guide people to an trust in the centrality of Christ in their life and in all things. It guides us to an urgency of the call of the church, to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ in our world.
- Aug 15, 2021Sermon: Now Is the Time
Aug 15, 2021Sermon: Now Is the TimeBy: Pastor Ben HulstII Corinthians 5.11-6.2: Paul's hope and life calling is to guide people to an trust in the centrality of Christ in their life and in all things. It guides us to an urgency of the call of the church, to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ in our world.
- Aug 8, 2021Sermon: An Eternal Covering
Aug 8, 2021Sermon: An Eternal CoveringBy: Pastor Ben HulstII Corinthians 5.1-10: In Christ, we have hope of the everlasting life that is to come. Though we continuously feel the fading of our lives, in Christ, we are growing more and more into the promises of everlasting life in Christ.
- Aug 1, 2021Sermon: Staring at the Unseen
Aug 1, 2021Sermon: Staring at the UnseenBy: Pastor Ben HulstII Corinthians 4: "We do not lose heart!", Paul says twice in this text. The hardships and suffering he's faced do not define him and his vision of life, but his vision of what is unseen guides him forward. He stares at the unseen, which is the reality of the coming kingdom that is that which is truly real. What is real in our present isn't fully real, because it doesn't last, but what lasts and doesn't fade is what is truly real. That is the coming resurrection and the coming kingdom.
- Jul 25, 2021Sermon: Unveiled Faces
Jul 25, 2021Sermon: Unveiled FacesBy: Pastor Ben HulstII Corinthians 3.7-15: In contrast to the fading glories of all that the world pursues, we are given in Christ a gift of ever-increasing glory. It comes not from our efforts, but from relying on the efforts of Christ. His grace, not our works, is sufficient. All true glory is found in his love toward us in his willingness to die on our behalf. That is true glory, which we are welcomed into.
- Jul 18, 2021Sermon: A Community of Second Chances
Jul 18, 2021Sermon: A Community of Second ChancesBy: Pastor Ben HulstII Corinthians 2.5-11: Forgiveness and restoration are key parts of maintaining a harmonious community. In contrast to current cancel culture philosophy, the church seeks to maintain the health of the community with high standards and also the individual through reconciliation and restoration. These balanced correctly foster healthy community life for the group and individual.
- Jul 11, 2021Sermon: The Complete “Yes” of Christ
Jul 11, 2021Sermon: The Complete “Yes” of ChristBy: Pastor Ben HulstII Corinthians 1.12-22: In Christ, we see all God's promises find fulfillment. In Christ, God shows his perfect faithfulness that gives us confidence to live even in the midst of hardships and challenges.
- Jul 4, 2021Sermon: The Comfort We Give
Jul 4, 2021Sermon: The Comfort We GiveBy: Pastor Ben HulstII Corinthians 1.3-11: We gain comfort from the heavenly Father in our struggles, which gives us wisdom and strength to share that comfort with others in their suffering. This is our calling as Christ's church, to live out together the life of our suffering and rising Lord.
- Jun 27, 2021Sermon: Eyes on the Prize
Jun 27, 2021Sermon: Eyes on the PrizeBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Elijah: A Prophet for Our TimesII Kings 2.1-18: God continues his overarching redemptive plan through continuous transitions. His glory remains the constant that we must focus on. This is what Elijah teaches Elisha as he takes on the prophetic role. We, as the latest generation, must keep our eyes fixed on Christ to fulfill our purpose and to pass on the ministry to those who come next.
- Jun 20, 2021Sermon: A Father’s Faith
Jun 20, 2021Sermon: A Father’s FaithBy: Dave KuiperGenesis 49-50: Guest preacher Dave Kuiper leads us in God's word.Both Jacob and Joseph express faith in God to accomplish his promises through broken people, to provide hope even in the reality of death, and to sovereignly secure their destiny. These are the substance of the faith that is ours as well.
- May 30, 2021Sermon: Centered by a Whisper
May 30, 2021Sermon: Centered by a WhisperBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Elijah: A Prophet for Our TimesI Kings 19.1-18: The gospel brings offense and riles up the darkness. When we are spent from the battle, we must center ourselves in the place of revelation - in the Word made flesh, Jesus our Savior.