Sep 1, 2024
Sermon: Unlimited Breadsticks
By: Pastor Ben Hulst
Series: Elisha the Prophet
II Kings 4.42-44: This short vignette speaks to Elisha's role in being the vessel for God's life-bearing word. As we cling to the LORD as our source of blessing, our dedication to him becomes life-giving to others as well as God magnifies the affect. Jesus is the fulfillment of all these things as he says in John 6 that he is the bread of life.
- Sep 1, 2024Sermon: Unlimited Breadsticks
Sep 1, 2024Sermon: Unlimited BreadsticksBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Elisha the ProphetII Kings 4.42-44: This short vignette speaks to Elisha's role in being the vessel for God's life-bearing word. As we cling to the LORD as our source of blessing, our dedication to him becomes life-giving to others as well as God magnifies the affect. Jesus is the fulfillment of all these things as he says in John 6 that he is the bread of life.
- Aug 25, 2024Sermon: The Gourdian Knot
Aug 25, 2024Sermon: The Gourdian KnotBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Elisha the ProphetII Kings 4.38-41: In the midst of a culture of death, even those faithful to God deal with the effects of death and decay. As Christ calls us to follow him into life, we also will experience the decay of this world upon our bodies, minds, and hearts. But in the suffering we face, God provides assistance from heaven, to give healing, to give nourishment, and to give us hope. As we live for him, we serve as witnesses to a people lost in the death to offer a different vision - a vision of life through Jesus Christ.
- Aug 18, 2024Sermon: To Life Again
Aug 18, 2024Sermon: To Life AgainBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Elisha the ProphetII Kings 4.8-37: Elisha opens up new paths of 'shalom' for a woman that is kind to him. Yet, this shalom is shattered when the promised son dies. In her grief, she goes straight back to Elisha, crying out her grief and through her son God shows his resurrection power that is at work amongst his people.
- Aug 11, 2024Sermon: When Nothing is Something
Aug 11, 2024Sermon: When Nothing is SomethingBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Elisha the ProphetII Kings 4.1-7: In a bleak situation, Elisha is summoned to bring life. This is Elisha's role in a world driven to the ground by idolatrous commitments. This leads down to death, but Elisha is the agent of the living God. Here, he comes to bring life to a grief and poverty-stricken widow. The Lord does provide and in unimaginable fashion.
- Aug 4, 2024Sermon: Male Pattern Foolishness
Aug 4, 2024Sermon: Male Pattern FoolishnessBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Elisha the ProphetII Kings 2.23-25: The story of Elisha and the bears is a strange one and seems to be quite disturbing. But what is really going on here? It is vital to understand the context and details so we can see the broader patterns of Scripture - especially regarding the use of judgment, God's desire for goodness and truth, and God's continual desire to offer hope to his people.
- Jul 28, 2024Sermon: Salt that Heals the Wound
Jul 28, 2024Sermon: Salt that Heals the WoundBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Elisha the ProphetII Kings 2.19-22: For his first act of ministry, Elisha brings relief to the city of Jericho's water supply that was causing death. Jericho's presence is a sign of human rebellion, yet God still cares for the people who live there to show them where true life comes from. Elisha uses salt, a common element in bringing unfruitfulness to a city, but here God uses it to heal, similar to how God uses death to conquer death and give us hope of life.
- Jul 21, 2024Sermon: Eyes to See
Jul 21, 2024Sermon: Eyes to SeeBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Elisha the ProphetII Kings 2.1-18: As we continue the story of Elisha, we hear Elijah tell Elisha that to engage his ministry as he desires, he needs eyes to see the reality that will allow him to minister. This is seeing the glory of God and who truly fights on his behalf. Elisha sees God's glory and God's power passes to him.
- Jul 14, 2024Sermon: Cloaked in Power
Jul 14, 2024Sermon: Cloaked in PowerBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Elisha the ProphetI Kings 19: We begin a series on the prophet Elisha. This morning, we look at the origin of his ministry as the next-in-line to Elijah and how Elisha is a sign of hope in a time of despair. "Sermon: Cloaked in Power" by Pastor Ben Hulst.
- Jul 7, 2024Sermon: Surrounded with Songs of Deliverance
Jul 7, 2024Sermon: Surrounded with Songs of DeliveranceBy: Pastor Ben HulstPsalm 32: As we seek relief in the Lord, may we confess to him so that we might find life covered in his grace. God will surround us with songs of deliverance that offer freedom and joy.
- Jun 30, 2024Sermon: The Comfort of God’s Face
Jun 30, 2024Sermon: The Comfort of God’s FaceBy: Pastor Ben HulstNumbers 6.22-27: The face of God is key concept in Scripture to understand. With the priestly blessing of Numbers 6, God seeks to instill within Old Testament Israel and us today a new identity in God's grace, love, and attention. These familiar words are spoken over God's people to shape us and form us according to the pattern of God. God has turned his face toward us in Christ and we can trust his gaze upon us, for it is how we come to know him and ourselves in him.