Oct 15, 2023
Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Kindness
Series: Trees of Fruitful Abundance
Titus 3.1-8: Kindness is a somewhat simple concept. Be kind is to be of benevolent approach to the other, looking for good of them. It is a loving and patient approach that moves beyond self-seeking. It is a fruit of the Spirit that opposes the spirit of this world that is bent on self-centered advantage. We live kindness because God was kind to us in Christ, having mercy upon us to bestow love we didn't deserve. Be kind.
- Oct 15, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Kindness
Oct 15, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: KindnessSeries: Trees of Fruitful AbundanceTitus 3.1-8: Kindness is a somewhat simple concept. Be kind is to be of benevolent approach to the other, looking for good of them. It is a loving and patient approach that moves beyond self-seeking. It is a fruit of the Spirit that opposes the spirit of this world that is bent on self-centered advantage. We live kindness because God was kind to us in Christ, having mercy upon us to bestow love we didn't deserve. Be kind.
- Oct 8, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Long-Suffering
Oct 8, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Long-SufferingSeries: Trees of Fruitful AbundanceEcclesiastes 7.8-14: Patience is a gift of the Spirit that is literally, 'long-suffering.' This speaks to a strength from God to keep walking forward to the promise even as hardships come our way. Patience in life and toward others is a trait that models God and his character. In his grace, he is utterly long-suffering with us to bring us to himself. As we reflect on this, it allows us to be patient with one another as we travel this road to eternity.