Jul 16, 2023
Sermon: Fiery Tongue, Fiery Baptism
By: Pastor Ben Hulst
Series: John the Baptizer
Luke 3.1-20: John the Baptist calls us to reorient ourselves from those just above us to the heights of God and his riches bestowed on us. In doing this, we begin to notice the needs of those below us and to assist them with our plenty. This changes our hearts from those of envy and discontent to contentment and generous love. Through Jesus, we are enabled to live like this because it is like God. It is our calling and the pathway to life.
- Jul 16, 2023Sermon: Fiery Tongue, Fiery Baptism
Jul 16, 2023Sermon: Fiery Tongue, Fiery BaptismBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: John the BaptizerLuke 3.1-20: John the Baptist calls us to reorient ourselves from those just above us to the heights of God and his riches bestowed on us. In doing this, we begin to notice the needs of those below us and to assist them with our plenty. This changes our hearts from those of envy and discontent to contentment and generous love. Through Jesus, we are enabled to live like this because it is like God. It is our calling and the pathway to life.
- Jul 9, 2023Sermon: Becoming Lesser
Jul 9, 2023Sermon: Becoming LesserBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: John the BaptizerJohn 3.22-36: We begin an extended look at the ministry of John the Baptist. Today, one of the phrases that defines him in contrast to Jesus, "He must become greater, I must become lesser." Like John, we are to live our lives in pursuit of Christ receiving glory, not ourselves. Our lives become a service to his glory as he has given us everlasting life.
- Jul 2, 2023Sermon: Plant Your Hope with Good Seeds
Jul 2, 2023Sermon: Plant Your Hope with Good SeedsBy: Pastor Ben HulstLuke 6.43-45: Jesus gives us a convicting teaching about watching the seed souls we plant and the fruit born in our lives. Bad trees don't produce good fruit. The call is to inspect ourselves and seek to be those who are bearing good fruit as disciples of Christ.
- Jun 25, 2023Sermon: The Devil Went Down to Jesus: Part 4
Jun 25, 2023Sermon: The Devil Went Down to Jesus: Part 4By: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: The Devil Went Down to JesusMatthew 4.1-11: In this fourth part of the series on Jesus' temptation, we see Jesus being offered the glories of the world. The devil offers it for worshiping him - a simple process on the outside and for short-term gain, but a destruction within and for long-term destruction. Jesus has other goals, with using his attention to be focused on God the Father and not the father of lies. Praise God for his victory and thus his coming eternal kingdom!
- Jun 18, 2023Sermon: The Devil Went Down to Jesus: Part 3
Jun 18, 2023Sermon: The Devil Went Down to Jesus: Part 3By: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: The Devil Went Down to JesusMatthew 4.1-11: In this second test, the devil tempts Jesus to test the Father. Is he trustworthy, is the challenge? Jesus resists, displaying a complete trust in the Father and the word that holds promises to him. He endures because of trust in the long-term fulfillment of God and his promises. Praise God for Jesus' triumph, for it is our victory as well and gives us strength to resist the devil's taunts in our own lives.
- Jun 11, 2023Sermon: The Devil Went Down to Jesus – Part 2
Jun 11, 2023Sermon: The Devil Went Down to Jesus – Part 2By: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: The Devil Went Down to JesusMatthew 4.1-11: In this second of our four-part look at Jesus' testing, we consider the devil's first challenge - turning stones to bread. Jesus shows his spiritual hunger is greater than his physical hunger. He seeks the heavenly food of God's provision rather than using his power for securing self-sufficiency. In this he shows his purpose to overcome Satan on our behalf. Praise God!
- Jun 4, 2023Sermon: The Devil Went Down to Jesus: Part 1
Jun 4, 2023Sermon: The Devil Went Down to Jesus: Part 1By: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: The Devil Went Down to JesusMatthew 4.1-11: We start a four-week look at Jesus' testing in the wilderness and confrontation with the devil. Today, we look at the background context of this story. The next three weeks, we'll look at each testing in particular each week.
- May 21, 2023Sermon: The Home He Makes In Us
May 21, 2023Sermon: The Home He Makes In UsBy: Pastor Ben HulstJohn 14.15-31: Jesus tells us that we will deal with trouble in this world, but take heart because he has overcome the world. The gift of the Spirit is to help us navigate this trouble and the Spirit serves as a spiritual suspension system that allows us to find peace in the midst of the challenges. We often forget the presence of the Spirit, but he is there to smooth our road and to guide us with peace through bumpy spots.
- May 14, 2023Sermon: A Peace Unlike Any Other
May 14, 2023Sermon: A Peace Unlike Any OtherBy: Pastor Ben HulstJohn 14.15-31: In preparation for Pentecost, we consider the gift of the Spirit as Jesus teaches us in John 14. Against the spirits of this age, the Holy Spirit offers peace, hope, and the promises of everlasting life. With the Spirit, we are not left alone, but are given the presence of God as a confidence in this challenging world.
- May 7, 2023Sermon: Who Images Whom?
May 7, 2023Sermon: Who Images Whom?By: Pastor Ben HulstPsalm 50: We engage the second part of God's accusation found in Psalm 50. This issue is an insidious twisting of the mind and heart. It is a deceptive shift in thought that fails to contemplate the holiness of God and following his path. It leads to a divided self that only Christ can bring back together. This text calls us to humility, to remember our sin, but moreso to relish God's grace to lift us up to his glory.